- 01. Earthquake at the Coffee Shop
- 02. Where to Find Earthquake Data?
- 03. Receiving Mocks from Our Designer
- 04. Course Map
- 05. Explore USGS Website As A User
- 06. Drive-Through Data
- 07. Explore USGS Website As A Developer
- 08. Import Existing Project
- 09. Checking the build.gradle file
- 10. Solution Code on GitHub
- 11. Show more info on each earthquake
- 12. Overview of JSON
- 13. JSON Components
- 14. Traverse Nodes in JSON Object Tree
- 15. Parsing JSON in Android
- 16. Look at Earthquake Query Result
- 17. Traversing Earthquake JSON Object Tree
- 18. Parse JSON response in Quake Report app
- 19. Display date and time of earthquake
- 20. Quiz: Display date and time of earthquake
- 21. Split location into 2 TextViews
- 22. Magnitude as a Decimal Value
- 23. Switch Statement
- 24. Circle Background for Magnitude
- 25. Visual Polish
- 26. Add Earthquake Intent
- 27. Reflection